Program Philosophy
Our program philosophy is based on a child-centered theory of instruction which stresses active learning. Children learn about the world around them through play and exploration. Within the early years, instruction should be based on developmental appropriateness. Experiences and activities are planned which are appropriate to the children’s developmental stages and to each child’s individual pattern of growth.
It is the belief of the faculty that maximum development occurs when children are actively involved in purposeful work in a secure environment, where they are sure that their best efforts will be accepted. Our faculty believes that all children can learn and should be provided with opportunities to support their learning style and ability.
The first educators of every child are the family members who care for that child, who will have the primary responsibility for his/her development from birth to adulthood. It is an important role of the CDC to nurture and support the family in fulfilling its function.
Class Links:
Pre-Kindergarten Class
(Age 4 Sept.1)