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UNA News Releases

Kevin Lamb, a music publisher and former adjunct faculty member in the Department of Entertainment Industry at UNA, sits for his video describing his experience with the department as a student.
UNA’s Department of Entertainment Industry Celebrates 50 Years; Launches Video Series in Honor of Founding
UNA Launches “The Shine” Podcast; Student-Led Production Shares Alumni Stories
Students Brodie Riley and Kimber Boshell practice using the recording equipment as part of their podcasting class.
UNA Alumna Ann Berry was honored Jan. 28 with a portrait in the Alabama State Archives
UNA Alumna Ann Berry Honored with Portrait in Alabama State Archives

Featured News Items

Caroline Coleman, of Lawrenceburg, Tenn., was crowed Miss UNA 2025.

Caroline Coleman Crowned Miss UNA 2025

University of North Alabama Senior Caroline Coleman, of Lawrenceburg, Tenn., has been crowned Miss UNA at the Miss UNA program Saturday evening in Norton Auditorium on the UNA campus. Coleman will now move on to compete for the title of Miss Alabama at an event that will take place later this year. Coleman is a psychology major, and she performed a classical opera aria for the talent portion of the program.

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UNA President Ken Kitts announces the multi-year run-up to UNA's Bicentennial in 2030 as part of the 2025 Founders' Day event.

UNA’s 195th Anniversary Marked by Milestones, Giving Opportunity, Purple Pride

The University of North Alabama commemorated 195 years of educational excellence Jan. 13 as part of its annual Founders’ Day event. UNA is Alabama’s oldest four-year public higher education institution, having been established on the LaGrange College site in Colbert County in 1830.

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University Media and Public Relations
UNA Box 5026
Rogers Hall, Ground Floor
Michelle R. Eubanks