Dr. Matthew Schoenbachler

Chair, Department of History
Office: 109A Willingham Hall
Email: mschoenbachler@una.edu
Phone: (256) 765-4547
Matt Schoenbachler is a historian of the early American Republic. His publications include Murder and Madness: The Myth of the Kentucky Tragedy (2009), Nikita Khrushchev’s Journey into America (2019) (co-author), and The Norton Mix: American History (2013) (co-author). Dr. Schoenbachler is currently working on a number of projects, including a history of the Andrew Jackson’s Bank War, the trans-Appalachian origins of the Jacksonian movement, and the use of cannabis in antebellum America.
Ph.D., History, University of Kentucky (1996)
M.A., History, University of Kentucky (1992)
B.S., History and Commercial Music, University of North Alabama (1989)
Recent Courses Taught
HI 201/202 United States History to/since 1877
HI 201/202 Honors United States History to/since 1877
HI 390 History of Rock Music
HI 451/551 The American Revolution
HI 452/552 History of the Early Republic
HI 453/553 Civil War and Reconstruction
HI 485/585 Film and American History
HI 611 American Revolution Seminar
HI 612 Jacksonian America Seminar
Selected Publications
Nikita Khrushchev’s Journey into America, with Lawrence Nelson (University of Kansas Press, 2019)
The Norton Mix: American History, with Karen Dunn-Haley, Stephen K. Davis, and Wendy Wall (W.W. Norton, 2013)
Murder and Madness: The Myth of the Kentucky Tragedy. (University of Kentucky press, 2009; paperback, 2011)
“Republicanism in the Age of Democratic Revolution: The Democratic Societies of the 1790s,” Journal of the Early Republic 18 (Summer 1998): 237-261.