
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
A robust encyclopedia on all areas of philosophy. This resource is pitched at a level that most interested undergraduates will be able to understand. This is particularly useful for identifying important texts related to a topic.
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
This encyclopedia is aimed primarily at graduate students and professional philosophers. However, an interested undergraduate would get something from the entries, with a bit of work.
PEA Soup
A blog on political and moral philosophy.
The History of Philosophy without any Gaps
An extensive, and engaging, podcast on the history of philosophy by Dr. Peter Adamson at the LMU in Munich and King's College London.
The History of Philosophy Summarized & Visualized
A truly beautiful interactive visualization of the 2000+ year history of philosophy.
Minor/Certigication Declaration
Ready to declare a minor in philosophy? Click on the link above and follow the steps provided to submit electronically..
Guidelines on Writing a Philosophy Paper
A popular guide by Dr. Jim Pryor at NYU.
Daily Nous' Collection of Philosophy Writing Advice
The Daily Nous collects advice from a range of sources to help you to write your philosophy paper.
Guidelines on Reading Philosophy
Another guide by Pryor.
Where to Start in Philosophy?
Daily Nous
A site featuring news about philosophy.
The American Philosophical Association (APA)
An organization for professional philosophers and philosophy students. There are many useful resources here for students.
The APA's Guide to Graduate Programs in Philosophy
A guide to the many graduate programs in philosopy around the world. See your advisor if you're interested in going to graduate school in philosophy.