Guide To Campus Living

The University of North Alabama offers students a unique educational experience through its on-campus living community. There are two basic types of housing available on campus: residence halls and university apartments. Each residence hall, a modern living facility, is a community designed to enrich and broaden the educational experiences of students. Living in residence halls provides the student an opportunity to develop lasting friendships, well worth remembering. The residence halls are designed to meet the physical needs of the residents, while providing activities and programs that contribute to the “total educational experience.” The university apartments are available to full-time UNA students and to university employees. Apartment living offers the opportunity to develop community and also to enjoy independent living. Affordability, convenience, and easy access to campus services are just a few reasons to consider living on campus in university apartments. We welcome you to the University of North Alabama residential community and hope that this experience will be an integral part of your college life.

The mission of Housing & Residence Life is to provide inclusive communities that engage students in exceptional living and learning experiences within safe, affordable, and well-maintained environments. Our core values, which guide the overall implementation of our mission, are: Professional Excellence, Respect, Inquiry, Diversity, and Empowerment.

Housing & Residence Life is composed of professional staff (Director of Housing & Residence Life, Assistant Director of Housing, Assistant Director of Residence Life, Apartment Coordinator, Area Coordinators, Coordinator of Occupancy & Marketing, Senior Administrative Assistant), support staff (Residential Environmental Services Team Leaders, Residential Environmental Services), and paraprofessional staff (Graduate Assistants, Resident Advisors, and House Managers).

One of the many advantages of living in university housing (residence halls and apartments) is that there are always opportunities to become involved. Residents will find social, recreational, community service, and educational programs designed to support educational goals and activities. Intramurals, outings, special entertainment, and events are regularly offered throughout the year. 

Housing & Residence Life believes in an open-door policy and welcomes your ideas, concerns, and recommendations and we look forward to helping with your residential needs.  

Housing & Residence Life

Location: Rice Hall Ground Floor / Rivers Hall Ground Floor (Administrative Office)

Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Phone: (256) 765-5558 / Fax: (256) 765-5840

Abandoned Items

Public areas of the residence halls, including lounges, community bathrooms, hallways, etc. are not intended for storage of personal belongings. If students leave their personal belongings in these areas the items will be considered abandoned property and may be removed or disposed of by staff.

Items left in residence hall rooms after the owner has moved out/vacated the residence hall, or relocated to another room, and items not marked as to ownership will be declared abandoned. When possible, a written notification will be sent via UNA email to a resident whose items have been left behind. If no action is taken by the resident to remove the items from the residence hall within the timeline indicated in the notification sent to the student, Housing & Residence Life will dispose of the items. The University of North Alabama and Housing & Residence Life are not responsible for any items left in the residence halls.

ADA Doors

Certain halls are equipped with ADA entrances/exits that can be utilized by students needing special accommodations. Please submit a written request, in writing, to Housing & Residence Life to receive approval for access to the door in your assigned residence hall. Otherwise, residential students are prohibited from using ADA doors and may be subject to the disciplinary process if found in violation of this policy.

Advertising Policy

Housing & Residence Life must approve flyers, posters, and other advertising. Advertising is restricted to events, programs, and information directly related to or sponsored by an official university organization, department, etc. Items promoting the consumption of alcohol will not be posted. Please provide enough copies for each residence hall and/or floor. Currently, we would need approximately 75 copies of flyers and/or 10 posters. Please submit your materials approximately seven (7) working days prior to the event to allow sufficient time to get your material approved, distributed, and posted. Once approved, Housing & Residence Life staff will post signage. Items not approved will be removed from the residence halls.  

Alcohol & Drug Policy

Alabama State Law prohibits the possession or consumption of alcohol by anyone under the age of 21. UNA and Housing & Residence Life expect students and their guests to comply fully with these laws.

  • A resident who is 21 or older may possess alcohol and drink responsibly in his/her room as long as their roommate is also 21 or older. If one roommate is under 21, no alcohol is allowed in the room.
  • A resident who is 21 or older may drink in the room of another 21-year-old resident if that resident is present.
  • All guests must abide by the residence hall alcohol policy.
  • Anyone under 21 that is present in a room where a policy violation has occurred will be considered in violation of the alcohol policy.
  • Alcohol is not allowed at any time in any public area of a residence hall. A public area may be a hallway, lounge, lobby, or any other area not contained in a specific residence hall room.
  • Any alcohol being transported by someone 21 or older must be completely covered from open view and taken directly to the resident’s room.
  • Empty bottles, cans, bongs, funnels, mass drinking items, and other alcohol “decorations” are not allowed in any room that has a resident under 21.
  • Anyone present in a room where a controlled substances policy violation has occurred will be considered in violation of the controlled substances policy.

Drugs: Use, possession or distribution of illegal drugs and other controlled substances or drug paraphernalia are expressly prohibited in residential facilities except as permitted by law and the University’s Drug Policy.  Water pipes, bongs, hookahs, and other paraphernalia commonly associated with drug use are also prohibited in the residence halls.  Drugs may be defined as, but not limited to:

  • any stimulant;
  • intoxicant (including alcohol);
  • nervous system depressant;
  • hallucinogen;
  • other chemical substance, compound, or combination when used to induce an altered state; and 
  • any otherwise lawfully available product or substance (such as over the counter or prescription drugs, glue, paint, etc.) used for any purpose other than its intended use.


Twin Oaks (single-level) apartment complex is conveniently located within walking distance of campus and offers economical rates. Lion’s Gate is located just past Rice and Rivers Halls on North Pine Street. Grandview Campus Apartments are located on Graham Avenue. All apartments are either two/four bedroom units and can be rented by upperclassman single adult students, by married couples, or by siblings. Dependent children are permitted in Lion’s Gate and Twin Oaks (single level).

Apartment Application Process

A $150 non-refundable application fee must be submitted with the housing application and contract. Apartments are leased upon availability with priority given to current apartment residents, upperclassmen residential students, then transfers. First-time, full-time freshmen under the age of 20 are required to live in the residence halls for their first academic year. Housing & Residence Life will notify the applicant when an apartment is available for the requested semester.

Apartment Lease Agreement

Each student living in a university apartment is required to have a completed housing application and contract. All apartment leases end May 31st of any given year. Leases start August 1st and require the signature of each tenant. Semester rent will be placed on the student’s tuition account. Each roommate will have separate rent billing in his or her name. Detailed terms and conditions of occupancy are included in the housing contract. Please contact Housing & Residence Life for additional details.

Apartment Lease Renewal

It is the tenant’s responsibility to request renewal of the lease. Apartment leases terminate May 31, but can be renewed if returning the succeeding fall semester. The Occupancy Coordinator will approve this decision on a case-by-case basis. 

Apartment Lease Termination

The termination date of the lease is May 31. If a resident wishes to terminate the contract period early, the resident will need to submit the Contract Release Request and be approved by the overseeing committee. Please refer to for details and the release application. 

Apartment-Specific Policies

Apartment Use of Grills and Open-Flame Devices:

To maintain fire safety standards, the use of charcoal burners, propane grills, and other open-flame cooking devices is strictly prohibited on combustible balconies, patios, or within 10 feet of any building structure. This aligns with the International Fire Code regulations to prevent potential fire hazards.

Apartment Storage and Placement of Items on Balconies and Patios:

  • Furniture: Only appropriate outdoor furniture is permitted on balconies and patios. The use of indoor furniture in these areas is prohibited due to potential weather damage and safety concerns.

  • Obstructions: Residents must ensure that balconies and patios remain free from obstructions that could impede emergency access or egress. Items such as buildings, swings, or any large structures that block pathways are not allowed.

  • Decorations and Storage: Balconies and patios should be kept neat and clean at all times. The storage of rugs, towels, laundry, clothing, appliances, or other miscellaneous items in these areas is prohibited to maintain aesthetic appeal and safety.

Apartment Structural Integrity and Safety:

Regular inspections will be conducted to assess the structural integrity of balconies and patios, including railings and flooring. Residents are responsible for not exceeding the weight limits of these structures and should avoid placing heavy objects that could compromise safety.

Apartment Compliance with Local Fire Codes:

All residents must adhere to local fire codes and regulations concerning the use of open-flame devices and storage of flammable materials. 

Appliances & Electrical Items Policy

Because the University takes the safety of everyone in university housing very seriously, we cannot allow students to bring certain items into their room/apartment. Prohibited items may differ depending on location. During health and safety inspections, university officials will require the removal of prohibited appliances or materials from residence hall rooms including, but not limited to; extension cords, portable space heaters, halogen lamps, oil-based or wax electric air fresheners, candles, sunlamps, bicycles, combustible liquids, incense and incense burners, power tools, grills, and camping stoves, and all cooking appliances with the exception of microwave ovens (700 watts), refrigerators (up to 4.3 cubic feet) and Keurig style coffee makers. Rice cookers are allowed in kitchen areas only. Air fryers and rice cookers may be stored in students’ rooms, but are prohibited from being used in their rooms. Students may use them in the hall’s kitchen, or in the Mattielou and Olive ice rooms. Students must use official surge protectors for additional electrical appliances. Violations will result in confiscation of the appliance(s) and residents may be subject to the student conduct process. Please see for a more inclusive list.  


Housing & Residence Life reserves the right to modify room assignments for disciplinary reasons, catastrophe, closing of facility, or unresolvable roommate incompatibility.

Blue Light Emergency Phones

There are bright blue phone poles located across campus that contact the University Police by pushing the red button in case of an emergency. Please see UNA Police for additional information.


Cable is provided by Apogee at no additional charge to residents. Residents are responsible for supplying a coaxial cable and televisions must be equipped with a QAM tuner. A channel guide is available here along with instructions for setup and troubleshooting.

Candles, Incense, and Scented Items Policy

Candles, incense, potpourri, scented burners, plug-ins, and any other item that generates heat and/or open flame are prohibited in the residence halls. Melted wax, burned wicks, lingering aroma, etc., may be considered evidence of a violation of this policy.

Card Access

Each entry door to a residence hall is equipped with a card-swipe access. These specialized doors provide security and should never be propped open. Access to the building is granted only to the residents of the hall who have their UNA identification number encoded into the card access system by Housing & Residence Life. Any resident who finds his/her Mane Card not working properly or loses their Mane Card should notify Housing & Residence Life and/or Mane Card office as soon as possible.

Cohabitation Policy

Cohabitation is not permitted in the residence halls. Cohabitation exists when a person who is not assigned to a particular room uses that room as if he or she were living there. Examples of this may include, but are not limited to, accessing the room while the assigned occupants are not present, utilizing a key to enter a room to which one is not assigned, keeping clothing and other items in the room, sleeping overnight in the room on a regular basis, and using the bathroom and shower facilities as if they lived in that room. Residents are permitted to have a guest or guests spend the night for a maximum of three nights in any 30-day period. Cohabitation is defined as visitors residing with a resident, in a residence hall for more than a total of three (3) nights in a 30-day period. All overnight visitations must be consistent with any applicable roommate agreements. Any resident found having an individual living with them is subject to immediate termination of their residence hall contract. When a guest’s continual presence hinders a roommate’s ability to study, sleep, and/or occupy their room, this will be considered a violation of this policy.


All students requesting housing in a residence hall are required to sign a residence hall contract. The term of the contract is for one academic year, consisting of two semesters, in all halls. Refer to the residence hall contract for additional details.

Contract Cancellation

With appropriate documentation, a resident may cancel without penalty for the following reasons:

  • Required to move from the area to fulfill academic requirements such as internship, fieldwork, or student teaching; appropriate documentation must be submitted from a supervising faculty at least thirty (30) days before the semester.
  • Ineligibility to continue enrollment due to failure to meet academic requirements.
  • Graduation if not enrolled in graduate courses during contract period.
  • Marriage
  • Medical that cannot be accommodated by the university

Residents may complete a Contract Release Request and submit with supporting documentation. All requests will be reviewed bi-monthly by an overseeing committee and subject to approval or denial. Notification of appeal status will be sent to the resident’s official university email address. 

Code Of Conduct

Housing & Residence Life is committed to maintaining an environment in which the rights of all members of the residential community are protected while they are in pursuit of their educational aspirations. It is important that each resident becomes aware of and abides by the University of North Alabama Code of Conduct and other university regulations. Although each resident possesses certain individual rights and responsibilities, residents are obligated at all times to assume responsibility for their actions, to respect constituted authority, to be truthful, to respect the rights of others, and to respect private and public property. It is also important that members of the university community be willing to confront violations and the infringement of another person’s rights by filing complaints with Housing & Residence Life. University conduct officers determine the policy violations as they relate to university policy violations. These violations can be found in the University Student Handbook and the Housing & Residence Life Guide to Campus Living, and the official university website. In addition to the standards and guidelines set in this Student Handbook, all rules and regulations of the University of North Alabama and the laws of the state of Alabama and of the United States of America shall be in effect upon individuals residing in or visiting the residence halls.


Housing & Residence Life also reserves the right to confiscate, discard, hold, or surrender to appropriate authorities any item in any room that violates university policies and regulations as stated in this handbook, the website, the university catalog, or any other official university publication.

Consolidation Policy

If a vacancy occurs in an assigned room, the remaining resident agrees to:

  • Pay the additional fee necessary to occupy the room for the remainder of the semester as a private. Private rooms will be approved on a first-come, first-served basis and are contingent upon space and availability.
  • Seek out another roommate and request a room change with someone that currently has no roommate.
  • Allow the HRL Occupancy Coordinator to assign a new resident to the room or move to another room that has only one occupant.

Damage to Public Areas Policy

Individual or group activities that may result in disturbance or distress to others or that cause, or may reasonably be expected to cause, damage or destruction to self or property are prohibited. When individual responsibility cannot be determined, the residents of a floor or building may become collectively responsible for restoration costs. Examples of behavior covered by this policy include, but are not limited to, noise, damage to a building, laundry equipment, or furniture; sports in the hallway; smoking; graffiti; publicly spoken or displayed materials that are pornographic, obscene, sexist, racist, or homophobic; vandalism; and disregard for bathroom cleanliness, including the disposal of food or any foreign objects in sinks, toilets, water fountains, etc.

Damage to Rooms Policy

Each resident is responsible for the ongoing condition of his/her room and shall reimburse the University for any damages or loss of items. Charges for damages will be determined by the University at its discretion and must be paid before the end of the semester in which the damages occur. Please see the Room Condition Report section for additional information on reporting damages upon arrival.

Disposal of Hazardous Materials

Students who use syringes for legitimate medical purposes, such as insulin injections, are required to notify Housing & Residence Life staff immediately. It is university policy that all sharps used for legitimate medical purposes be disposed of in the proper manner. Syringes and other “sharps” are not to be put in common area trash receptacles in the residence halls unless they are in a sharps container.


We encourage students to make your residence hall and room feel like your UNA home. However, there are decorative guidelines that must be followed in order to preserve the quality of residence hall rooms. Decorations e.g. pictures, posters, etc. may be attached using blue painter tape only. Double-sided tape, 3M Command Strips, nails, and non-removable decals should not be applied to any surface. Do not attach items to the ceiling and refrain from using combustible materials e.g. cotton, paper, straw, etc. for safety reasons. Decorations are prohibited from obstructing sprinkler heads, smoke detectors, exits and signage, emergency lighting, or corridors.  Use of anything other than Blue Painters tape may result in damage charges upon check out of the residence halls.

Employment Opportunities

Housing & Residence Life employs approximately 4 Graduate Assistants and 40-45 graduate and/or undergraduate Resident Advisors each year. The Resident Advisor application and interview process usually begins in January of each year and selected applicants are appointed positions for the following academic year. Additional information may be found here.

Entering the Residence Halls

The residence halls are considered private residence. As such, entrance to the facility is restricted to residents and their invited guests. A valid Mane Card programmed for entry to that building provides proof of residence in any residence hall. A room key alone is not considered proof of residence. Students who fail to provide appropriate identification upon entering the residence halls will be asked to leave and may be subject to follow-up through student conduct.

Finals Week

All residents must check-out of the residence halls within 24 hours of their last final exam or by noon on the last day that the residence halls are open, whichever comes first. See a member of the Housing & Residence Life staff for additional checkout information.


The following lists includes charges that may be assessed through Housing & Residence Life, but not limited to:

Unauthorized room change and/or move: $150

Improper check-in/check-out: $150

Re-core room lock/key replacement: $40-$100

After-Hours Lockout: 1st time per semester is free / $10 for every occurrence afterwards

Smoking/Vaping in room/hall/apartment: $150

Policy Violation Resulting in False Fire Alarm - $150

Cleaning Fee: Dependent upon need/condition of room/hall/apartment

Vandalism/Damages: Dependent upon labor/materials

Charges are subject to change as necessary. Please see for more information.

Fire Safety & Procedures

Fire alarm systems are installed in all residence halls. The system includes automatic smoke detectors, alarm signals, and enunciators. The alarm is a continuous buzzing noise. All alarms should be regarded as actual fires. University and state law requires all residents and their guests to adhere to the fire safety regulations of the campus. Rendering a false alarm is considered a criminal offense. Failure to evacuate is not only a safety hazard, but is also a violation of University policy and state law. Failure to comply may result in the resident(s) being subject to the student conduct process. It is each resident’s responsibility to be familiar with evacuation procedures. In the case of a fire, residents should do the following:

  • If there is smoke in the room, keep low to the floor.
  • Before passing through any door, feel the doorknob. If it is hot, do not open the door. Before opening a door, brace yourself against the door and open it slightly. If heat and smoke are present, close the door and stay in the room.
  • If you cannot leave the room, open the window.  If trapped, attract the fire department by hanging an object out the window.
  • If you can leave the room, close the door behind you.
  • Go to the nearest exit or stairwell. Do not use the elevator.
  • If the nearest exit is blocked by fire, heat or smoke, go to an alternate exit.
  • If all exits are blocked, go back to your room, open the windows, and attract the fire department.
  • After evacuating the building, move to the designated meeting location (at least 50 feet from the building). Emergency personnel and equipment will be maneuvering around the building.
  • Follow the directions of fire, police, and Housing and Residence Life staff.
  • You may reenter the building only after fire and police officials have given their approval.

Fire Safety Equipment Policy

Fire safety equipment is provided to help ensure everyone’s safety. Tampering with alarms, extinguishers, pull stations, or smoke detectors is a violation of local, state, and federal laws, as well as a violation of university policy. Tampering with fire safety equipment is a criminal offense and a ticket/fine may be issued.

Flammable Liquids/Explosives Policy

Possession of containers holding fluids used for igniting fires is prohibited. Prohibited fluids include, but are not limited to, charcoal lighter, gasoline, propane, and cigarette lighter refueling containers. Explosives including, but not limited to firecrackers, fireworks, home-made explosives, pyrotechnics, and gunpowder are not permitted in residential areas.


Your guests are welcome in the residence halls provided they adhere to University policy during their visit. You are responsible for the conduct of your guests during their time on campus. Please refer to the Visitation Policy for all expectations related to visitation and guests.

Hall/Floor Meetings

Housing & Residence Life staff will hold hall/floor meetings throughout the semester. Your attendance at these meetings offers you the opportunity to provide feedback and suggestions for Housing & Residence Life programs, policies, and procedures. Meetings are held whenever an issue or concern needs to be addressed with the resident as well as disseminating important information. Please be aware of posted notice of meeting dates, times, and locations.

Hall Sports & Horseplay Policy

Housing & Residence Life does not condone activities that could result in damage to a residence hall or accidental injury to residents and guests. The noise from these activities may also negatively impact the living community. Therefore, horseplay and sports activities which include, but are not limited to, food fights, water fights, running, hacky sack, hockey, in-line skating, skateboarding, bouncing balls, riding bikes, wrestling, remote control toy operation, and other athletic/sport-type activities are prohibited in the residence halls. Staff members reserve the right to confiscate equipment used in violation of this policy.

Health & Safety Inspections

Each resident is responsible for the care and cleaning of his/her room. It is also the responsibility of residents to dispose of trash in the outside dumpsters and/or compactors and to keep hallways, baths, and all public areas neat and attractive. Housing & Residence Life staff conduct health & safety inspections on the 2nd Monday-Friday of each month in all residence halls and apartments. During these health and safety inspections, Housing & Residence Life staff verifies that there are no fire safety hazards and that there are no visible health risks in the room.


Wireless Internet is provided by Apogee at no additional charge to residential students. Please contact Apogee with any service concerns. 

Keys/Residence Halls

Each resident is provided a key to his/her room. If a resident is locked out of their room, they can check out a key during business hours at the Housing & Residence Life office or through the RA on duty outside of business hours. Residents are permitted 24 hours to return the key or a lock change fee will be imposed. If a resident requires access to their assigned room via the RA on Duty after business hours, they will be charged $10 for each occurrence after the first entry (per semester). Report any lost or stolen key to Housing & Residence Life immediately. 


Each tenant is required to have a key to his/her apartment and students will be charged for lost keys. Unlocking the apartment doors by staff members should not be viewed as an obligation of the staff member. The lockout service is provided purely out of necessity and is greatly discouraged. If a resident requires access to their assigned apartment via the RA on Duty after business hours, they will be charged $10 for each occurrence after the first entry (per semester). Report any lost or stolen key to Housing & Residence Life immediately. 

Maintenance and Repairs

If a routine maintenance problem occurs in any university housing facility or area (room/apartment/common area), please report the problem promptly and directly to Housing & Residence Life via the online maintenance reporting system, TMA, which is found at (user id: student and password: request). TMA is only accessible using Firefox browser on the UNA Internet system. 

  • For emergencies during business hours, please contact the Housing & Residence Life office.
  • For after hours emergency maintenance and repairs, please call the appropriate Housing & Residence Life duty staff number. 

Nondiscrimination Policy

The University of North Alabama is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination and assignments will be made without regard to race, religion, creed, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or national origin.


Residents are only allowed to occupy a room if they have an official assignment for that room. Residents found to be in violation of this policy may be subject to immediate termination of the residence hall contract and forfeit his/her right to remain in the residence halls. Residence hall rooms may not be sublet to another person. Additionally, residents should only occupy their half of room. If a resident is found to be occupying both sides of the room then they will be charged the full double as a single room fee.


Residence Hall students should purchase residential parking decals. Any questions regarding proper decal can be answered by the UNA Police Department. Residents are not allowed to utilize Authorized Staff Only parking spots of Olive, Rivers, and Rice Hall as indicated by signage.

Personal Property Liability/Loss

The University of North Alabama and Housing & Residence Life assume no responsibility for theft or casualty losses. To protect your possessions, check your parents’ insurance policy or your personal insurance policy to determine coverage. You should obtain private insurance if your possessions are not covered.

Pest Control

The potential for pests exists everywhere. Campus housing is no exception. To eliminate pests, all residence halls are treated regularly. If you see evidence of pests, complete a maintenance request as soon as possible. Keep in mind that the pesticides used are only effective when combined with good housekeeping practices. Follow these guidelines: (1) Store all food in sealed containers. (2) Do not leave food or dirty dishes lying around. (3) Empty liquid contents of cans and bottles into the sink before throwing them in the trash. (4) Empty the trash before leaving for the weekend or holiday. 

Pets Policy

Pets are not permitted in the residence halls, with the exception of fish. Fish tanks may be no larger than five gallons total capacity per room.

Private Rooms

Private rooms are available dependent upon space and availability. Private rooms will not be granted until all current students have been accommodated. Current rates are available here.

Public Areas/Restrooms

Bathroom facilities in each traditional residence hall are designated by gender. Residents and guests may only use facilities designated for their gender. Guests needing to travel between floors in order to use such facilities must be escorted by their host to the bathroom door. Public restrooms for guests are also available in the lobby of all buildings.

Public Area Usage Policy

Residence hall spaces are reserved for the exclusive use of the staff and residents of that building.

Public Area Decorations Policy

Any mode of decoration that contains obscene, profane, pornographic, or otherwise offensive elements, as determined by professional staff, will not be permitted.

Public Property as Decoration Policy

Possession of stolen property, including city, county, or state government property, such as road signs, is not permitted and a violation of state law and university policy. Students wishing to display public road signs, traffic cones, real-estate signs, etc., in their rooms may be asked to provide proof of ownership by a receipt or other official means. Stolen or unauthorized property is subject to confiscation.

Quiet Hours/Courtesy Hours Policy

Residents have the right to sleep and study in their rooms at any time. When asked by someone to respect this right, residents are expected to demonstrate courtesy and consideration by complying with the request. As a general rule, at no time should noise be heard from a resident’s room more than two doors away or from another floor.

Courtesy hours are in effect 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Quiet hours are effective in each residence hall between 10pm-10am daily. Quiet hours are in effect 24 hours a day during the fall and spring finals period.

RA on Duty

Each residence hall/apartment has an RA on Duty between 4:30pm and 7am during the week and 24 hours per day on the weekend. Duty phone numbers are posted throughout university housing and on every entry door.

Reclaim for Returning Students

If you currently live on campus, there is a priority application time for you to reclaim a room for the following academic year.  The residence hall reclaim process is a designated time when current students can choose to stay in their current room or move to a different room, floor, or hall for the following academic year (not applicable to Mattielou & Olive). Publicity for this event will begin at the beginning of spring semester and occurs in late February/early March. Current residents electing to live on campus after the official reclaim period will be assigned a room during the fall assignment period in late July.   

Required Hours/Eligibility for Residence Halls

To be eligible for residence halls, a student must first be enrolled at the University of North Alabama. Undergraduate students in the residence halls must maintain twelve semester hours and graduate students must maintain six semester hours.  If you are planning to drop below the required number of hours you must submit a written request to the appropriate Area Coordinator for permission to remain in the residence halls for the remainder of the semester. Decisions are made on an individual basis.  If you fall below the minimum number of hours required to live in the residence halls without gaining approval you will be required to increase your course load or move out of the residence halls. Any resident who departs during the contract period will be subject to full payment according to contract terms and conditions. These conditions are in conjunction with university refund policies stated in the university catalog.

Required Hours/Eligibility for Apartments

To be eligible for apartments, a student must first be enrolled at the University of North Alabama. Undergraduate students in apartments must maintain twelve semester hours and graduate students must maintain nine semester hours.  If you are planning to drop below the required number of hours you must submit a written request Housing & Residence Life for permission to remain in the apartments for the remainder of the semester. Upperclassmen are given priority for apartments. Traditional-age freshmen are required to live in the residence halls for their first academic year. No more than two single students are allowed to reside in an apartment and both must be same gender. For married couples, eligibility for occupancy requires enrollment as a full-time student by either husband or wife of married couple. Brother and sister may lease together if each one is enrolled at UNA as a full-time student. Their original birth certificates must be presented for copy at the Housing & Residence Life office. Single parents must be enrolled at UNA as a full-time student and must provide the birth certificate of each child to Housing & Residence Life. 

Room Changes

Once a room or building assignment has been made, any request for change must be submitted to Housing & Residence Life using an official Room Change Request Form.  An open room change process is held approximately two weeks after classes begin each semester. Requests are granted based on priority and available spaces. All room and building changes must be approved and coordinated by Housing & Residence Life.  Any student who makes an unauthorized move will be charged $150 for conducting an improper room change. Additional information can be found here

Room Condition Report

Residents have 72 hours upon checking in to complete a room condition report thereby acknowledging the condition of the room/suite and the presence of specific furnishings. When damages occur within a resident’s room or in areas adjacent to it (e.g., windows, doors, lobbies, study areas), it is ultimately the responsibility of the occupant(s) to pay the costs to replace or repair the damaged property. The purpose of the room inventory is to establish the condition of the room at occupancy so that residents can be assessed fairly if damages occur.

When a resident departs their residence hall room, Housing & Residence Life staff checks the outgoing condition of the room against the check-in status of the room.  If there are changes between the check-in and check-out status the resident may be charged, at current repair and/or replacement prices, for any damages and/or missing furniture. Additional information can be found here

Room Entry

The University reserves the right of entry to any room at any time for the purpose of inspection, repairs, pest control, in case of emergencies, wellness checks, or for any other valid cause. Written notification will be left each time a room is entered by Housing & Residence Life staff.

Room Searches

If deemed necessary and advisable for the safety, security, and maintenance of an educational atmosphere, a room may be searched. Searches will be conducted only in accordance with the preceding statement or if there is reasonable cause to believe that a student(s) is using his/her room for a purpose in violation of federal, state or local laws, or University regulations. Any room search, except one conducted by law enforcement officers with a duly issued search warrant, must be approved by Senior Administration and/or Housing Professional Staff.

Roommate Conflicts/Mediation

If there is one factor that is the most important determinant of roommate success, that factor is communication. This communication begins at the beginning of each year when Housing & Residence Life staffs distribute “roommate contracts”. This helps initiate the discussion of topics that commonly cause conflict between roommates, such as study and sleep hours, television and computer usage, guests, etc. Please note that room changes will not be granted for roommate conflict until official mediation has occurred and professional staff deem it necessary. 

Safety & Security

Housing & Residence Life staff wants your college experience to be educational, fun, and most importantly safe. We are committed to providing a secure environment where residents can pursue their academics while learning about themselves and others in the community. However, residents must be aware of their environment and make decisions that help to ensure the safety of themselves and their community.

  • Do Not Prop Doors: For security reasons, doors in the residence halls are kept locked. Propped doors make it easier for unauthorized persons to enter the building. For the safety of yourself and others in the residence halls, do not prop open any residence hall doors and close propped doors when you see them.
  • Always Lock Your Room: It is imperative that you lock your room door each and every time you leave as well as when sleeping. Report any lost or stolen keys to the Housing & Residence Life office immediately.
  • Escort Your Guests: Residents are required to escort their guests at all times and are responsible for their actions. If you see an unescorted guest in the residence halls then contact a member of the Housing & Residence Life staff for assistance. Do not let the person continue unescorted. The contact number for your specific Resident Advisor (RA) on duty is posted in the lobby and on each floor of the building.
  • Bomb Threat: If a bomb threat is announced in your residence hall, follow the directions provided by your hall staff and/or the UNA Police. It is important that you remain calm and that you cooperate fully.

Smoking Policy

University of North Alabama prohibits smoking on all university-owned and operated property both indoors and outdoors.

"Smoking," as used in this policy, refers to inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted or heated smoking product and to the use of any such other electronic or other device that is used as an alternative to traditional tobacco products and that produces a smoke or vapor when in use.  "Smoking products" include, but are not limited to, all cigarette products (cigarettes, bidis, kreteks, e-cigarettes, etc.) and all smoke-producing products (cigars, pipes, hookahs, vaporizers, etc.).  “University-owned and operated property” includes, but is not limited to: all outdoor common and educational areas; all university buildings; university-owned/operated housing facilities; campus sidewalks; recreational areas; outdoor stadiums; and university-owned and leased vehicles (regardless of location). Littering campus with the remains of smoking products is also prohibited.

This policy applies to all employees, students, visitors, contractors, and externally affiliated individuals or companies renting university-owned space on university-owned and operated property campus grounds.

Social Media

Housing & Residence Life can be found on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram by searching #unahrl. Please contact Housing & Residence Life with any official requests.

Solicitation & Selling Policy

Door-to-door sales or solicitation in the residence halls is not permitted. Sales are defined as any effort to offer a product or service in return for money, goods, or other services. Solicitation is defined as any effort to ask for donations or contributions of money, goods, or series. If anyone is found selling or soliciting in the residence halls, they will be escorted out and may face disciplinary action. Residential rooms are to be used solely for residential purposes. Residents are not permitted to operate businesses out of their rooms or to publicly list room numbers in commercial ads or other business announcements.

Special Accommodations

Special accommodations may be available to students providing the appropriate documentation and meet the following criteria: a documented disability, chronic medical condition, or psychological condition. A licensed medical or psychological professional must verify the resident’s condition and complete the Verification of Medical/Physical Condition Form available here. Housing & Residence Life, UNA Health Services, and Disability Support Services will review documentation as deemed necessary. Please submit any request for accommodations in a timely manner.

Summer Housing

A separate application and contract are required to reserve a space in summer residence halls during May, June and/or July summer sessions.  Students wishing to reside on campus during the summer months must be enrolled in at least one course per summer session.

Tornado Safety & Procedures

During a tornado drill or an actual emergency, residents will be notified to relocate to designated areas by the sounding of the bell alarm. The alarm will consist of three short rings every five seconds. Tornado safety procedures are posted on the backs of residents’ doors in each room. Tornado drills will be conducted periodically during the semester.

“Tornado Watch” means weather conditions are suitable for a tornado.

“Tornado Warning” means a tornado has been indicated on radar or sighted.

The following locations have been identified as shelter areas:

  • Appleby East, Appleby West, Covington, Hawthorne: First floor cluster-suite common areas
  • Lafayette Hall: First floor TV lounge
  • Mattielou and Olive Halls: Storm Shelter in Main Lobby
  • Rice Hall, Rivers Hall: Mezzanine Area

Trash Removal Policy

Students are responsible for disposing of their own trash in appropriate exterior trash receptacles or interior trash chutes. Students found to have disposed of any waste inappropriately may be processed through student conduct.

Vents and Windows Policy

Closing or covering vents is prohibited in all residence halls. It is also prohibited to enter or exit a residence hall through a window or pass any item in or out of the window.

Visitation Policy

A guest is someone who visits a residence hall at the invitation of the resident inviting him/her as a guest. Guests are permitted in a residence hall room if all occupants consent and they are to be escorted at all times. Guests may be accommodated in university housing for no more than three nights in any 30-day period per resident. Guests under the age of 18 are not allowed visitation without permission from the designated Area Coordinator at least 24 hours in advance. Residents are responsible for the actions of their guests and ensuring that they abide by all applicable policies and regulations. Housing & Residence Life reserves the right to distinguish visitors from residents and revoke privileges in the event of inappropriate activities/behaviors at any point during the visit.

Resident’s Rights and Responsibilities

As a member of The Association of College and University Housing Officers International (ACUHO-I), the University of North Alabama upholds the Resident’s Rights & Responsibilities as defined by ACUHO-I. Residents in university residence halls possess specific individual and group rights while engaged in activities that are part of university life. With these rights, residents have reciprocal responsibilities to ensure these same rights for other residents. University Residences personnel should educate residents regarding these rights and responsibilities that are associated with community living and use them as a guide in making decisions concerning resident welfare and behavior. The following statements define minimal expectations regarding these rights and responsibilities.

Residents have the right…

  • To have reasonable access to their living accommodations based on a published schedule of occupancy.
  • To live in a clean and secure environment.
  • To facilities and programs that support the pursuit of academic success.
  • To expect a regionally competitive price on housing accommodations and/or food service.
  • To have access to written copies of university housing rules and regulations, or individual building policies that govern individual and group behavior.
  • To the respect and safety of personal property.
  • To study without interruption or interference.
  • To be free from unreasonable noise.
  • To be free of intimidation or harassment.
  • To express themselves freely within established guidelines.
  • To expect enforcement of housing agreement/contract.
  • To have direct access to staff who provide assistance, guidance, and support as needed.
  • To host guests, within established guidelines.
  • To receive equitable treatment when behavior is in questions.
  • To enjoy individual freedoms regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, national origin, disability, age, religion, sexual orientation, or political affiliation.
  • To participate in resident governmental bodies and housing departmental committees.
  • To have access to individual and group social, educational, and developmental opportunities in their living community.

Residents have the responsibility…

  • To adhere to rules and regulations.
  • To comply with reasonable requests made by staff or university officials, or fellow residents.
  • To meet payment schedules for room, board, and other required housing fees.
  • To monitor and accept responsibility for behavior of guests.
  • To report violations of rules and regulations to appropriate staff.
  • To respect the rights of others, as stated above.
  • To respect the diverse backgrounds and interests of those others who are different from them.
  • To treat others in a civil manner and manage conflict in a mature manner.
  • To be serious in their academic pursuits.
  • To participate in housing departmental committees as requested.
  • To express themselves individually, or by association with groups.
  • To participate in judicial proceedings to determine appropriate standards of behavior.
  • To contribute positively to the community by participating in educational and departmental activities.

(from ACUHO-I Statement of Resident’s Rights and Responsibilities, Approved 1987, Revised 2002)