Bachelor of Arts in Spanish

There are 3 Options in the Spanish Major. All 3 Options must complete the General Education Component as well as the Major Core Requirements. Additional requirements for each of the Options are listed under section C. below. 

Degree Checksheet

Spanish degree requirements
Course Credit
A. General Education Component 41
For general education requirements and additional requirements for UNA students, refer to Academic Procedures and Requirements.

Foreign Language majors must complete:
Area III: Mathematics 110 or higher (3)
B. Major Core Requirements:
SP 101 and SP 102 Introductory Spanish  6
SP 201 and SP 202 Intermediate Spanish 6
SP 350 Conversation and Composition 3
SP 360 Introduction to Hispanic Literature 3
SP 420 Advanced Spanish Grammar 3
SP 495 Senior Thesis 0
FL 498 Senior Seminar* 1


C. Option I: Spanish – Language and Culture
18 additional hours from 300- or 400-level courses (minimum 9 hours at the 400-level) 18


  For Option I, a minor, second major or second degree is required.
Option II: Spanish for Business
SP 353 Spanish Writing for Business 3
9 hours at the 400 level, including SP 403W Advanced Spanish for Business 9
6 additional hours from 300 or 400-level courses 6



For Option II, a minor, second major or second degree in an approved Business program is required.

D. General Elective hours, if required, to bring total to 120 hours.

 Fulfills computer literacy requirement.


NOTE:  This page is based upon the 2024/2025 UNA Catalog.
Courses and descriptions are subject to change without notice.


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