Matthew G. Schoenbachler

Interim Department Chair


       Matthew G. Schoenbachler


Matthew Schoenbachler is a historian of the early American Republic. His publications include Murder and Madness: The Myth of the Kentucky Tragedy (2009), When the Cold War Stood Still: Nikita Khrushchev’s Journey into 1950s America (2019) (co-author), and The Norton Mix: American History (2013) (co-author). Dr. Schoenbachler is currently working on a number of projects, including a history of the Andrew Jackson’s Bank War, the trans-Appalachian origins of the Jacksonian movement, and the use of cannabis in antebellum America.

Research Interests

  • Early American History


  •   History (PhD)
    University of Kentucky
  •   History (MA)
    University of Kentucky
  •    Commercial Music/History (BS)
    University of North Alabama

Selected Intellectual Contributions

  • Matthew G. Schoenbachler and Lawrence J. Nelson. 2019. Nikita Khrushchev’s Journey into America.
  • Matthew Schoenbachler, Karen Dunn-Haley, Stephen K. Davis, and Wendy Wall. 2013. The Norton Mix: American History.
  • Matthew G. Schoenbachler. 2009. Murder and Madness: The Myth of the Kentucky Tragedy.
  • Matthew G. Schoenbachler. 1998. "Republicanism in the Age of Democratic Revolution: The Democratic Societies of the 1790s,”.