M. Shane Banks
Department Chair
Professor, Computer Information Systems

Courses Taught
- CIS 698 - Independent Study/Research
- CIS 685 - Data Communications Systems
- CIS 680 - Interntnl Experience/Intrnship
- CIS 625 - Enterprise Sys Analysis + Des
- CIS 499 - Independent Study/Practicum
- CS 490 - Senior Seminar
- CIS 480 - CIS Internship
- CS 480 - CS Internship
- CIS 366 - Database Development & Mgmt
- CIS 344 - IT Infrastructure
- CIS 236 - Info Systems in Organizations
- CS 135 - Computer Skills for Prob Solv
- FYE 101 - First-Year Experience Seminar
- Management Information Systems (PhD)
The University of Memphis - Business Administration (MBA)
Arkansas State University-Jonesboro - Marketing (BS)
Arkansas State University-Jonesboro
Selected Intellectual Contributions
- Qiunan Zhang, Colin G. Onita, Daniel A. Ray, Michael S. Banks, and Xihui Zhang. 2021. Understanding antecedents of online gamers’ negative emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Issues in Information Systems
- Qiunan Zhang, Colin G. Onita, Michael S. Banks, and Xihui Zhang. 2021. Understanding switching behavior of mobile payment enabled transportation apps: A push-pull-mooring perspective. Issues in Information Systems
- Xihui Zhang, Ming Wang, Michael S. Banks, Qiunan Zhang, and Colin G. Onita. 2020. Design and delivery of an online information systems management course for MBA programs. Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice
- Andrew Besmer, Jason S. Watson, and Michael S. Banks. 2020. Investigating User Perceptions of Mobile App Privacy.
- Qiunan Zhang, Yuelin Zhu, Colin G. Onita, Michael S. Banks, and Xihui Zhang. 2020. Toward a conceptual model for understanding the relationships among MMORPGs, gamers, and add-ons. Issues in Information Systems
- Xihui Zhang, Ming Wang, Michael S. Banks, and Qiunan Zhang. 2019. Design of a Graduate Information Systems Management Course.