Jeremy O. Stafford
Department Chair

I was born and raised in New Jersey, where I graduated high school and college (Rutgers University). I then graduated from Appalachian State University (M.A.) and Auburn University (Ph.D.) before settling down to live in the Shoals and work for UNA.
Research Interests
- Organizational Behavior
Courses Taught
- EMB 680 - Career Planning/Development
- MG 668 - Adv Personnel Management
- MG 651 - Special Topics
- EMB 651 - Special Topics
- MG 648 - Human Resources Management
- MG 645 - Employment Relations
- MG 624 - Organizational Behavior
- EMB 607 - Human Capital Development
- EMB 606 - Human Capital Development
- EMB 602 - Management Mentoring
- MG 602 - Leadership
- MG 499 - Independent Study-Practicum
- MG 480 - Management Internship
- MG 475 - Strategic HR Management
- MG 362 - Human Resources Management
- MG 340 - Negotiation/Conflict Resolutio
- MG 331 - Leadership & Org Behavior
- Management (PhD)
Auburn University - Industrial/ Organizational Psychology and Human Resource Management (MA)
Appalachian State University - Psychology (BA)
Selected Intellectual Contributions
- Jennifer White, Jeremy O. Stafford, and Jana Beaver. 2019. Toward more effect recruitment of millennials according to job interest: A comparison of job title s versus job action statements. International Journal of the Academic Business World
- Jana P. Beaver, J. Stafford, and D. Hallock. 2014. The influence of organizational culture on sexual harassment training effectiveness: A confirmatory analysis.
- Jana P. Beaver, J. Stafford, and D. Hallock. 2014. The influence of organizational culture on sexual harassment training effectiveness: A confirmatory analysis.
- Jeremy O. Stafford. 2011. Innovative ideas to enhance use of EAPs.
- Jeremy O. Stafford and J. Beaver. 2011. Intention to quit among warehouse workers: An extension of past research in a unique organizational setting..
- Jeremy O. Stafford, J. Beaver, and R. Davis. 2010. Antecedents of motivation to learn in a technology-enhanced learning (TEL) context..