John D. Crabtree
Professor, Computer Information Systems

Research Interests
- Cheminformatics
- Algorithms
- Data Structures
- Quantum Computing
Courses Taught
- CIS 660 - Electronic Commerce
- CIS 645 - Database Management Systems
- CIS 615 - Software Engineering
- CIS 476 - Enterprise Architecture
- CIS 466 - E-Business Technologies & Apps
- CS 455 - Software Engineering
- CS 355 - Data Structures and Algorithms
- CIS 315 - Adv Obj Oriented Programming
- CIS 289 - Introduction to HCI/UX
- CS 255 - Computer Science II
- CIS 225 - Intro Obj Oriented Programming
- Mathematical and Computer Sciences (PhD)
Colorado School of Mines - Mathematical and Computer Sciences (MS)
Colorado School of Mines - Mineral Engineering Mathematics, Computer Science Option (BS)
Colorado School of Mines - Geophysical Engineering (BS)
Colorado School of Mines
Selected Intellectual Contributions
- John D. Crabtree and Xihui Zhang. 2021. Teaching Quantum Computing without a Quantum Computer.
- Xihui Zhang, John D. Crabtree, Mark G. Terwilliger, and Tyler T. Redman. 2020. Assessing students' object-oriented programming skills with Java: The "Department-Employee" project. Journal of Computer Information Systems
- Kaylin Sevigne, Daniel A. Ray, Xihui Zhang, and John D. Crabtree. 2020. Impact and Pedagogical Efficacy of Supplemental Instructors in Introductory Programming Education.
- Xihui Zhang, John D. Crabtree, Mark G. Terwilliger, and Janet T. Jenkins. 2020. Teaching introductory programming from A to Z: Twenty-six tips from the trenches. Journal of Information Systems Education
- Xihui Zhang, John D. Crabtree, Mark G. Terwilliger, and Janet T. Jenkins. 2019. Tips for Teaching Introductory Programming.
- Taylor F. Moore, Xihui Zhang, John D. Crabtree, and Mark G. Terwilliger. 2019. Understanding Blockchain Technology and Its Applications: A Critical Analysis.