Internship Providers & Businesses Seeking Student Interns

The Department of Communication is proud to maintain working relationships with many organizations and businesses throughout the local area, state, region and country. We strive to provide students with a broad range of internship opportunities to expand their professional experience and skills. Thank you for your interest in our student interns.

There are three areas of study within our department:

  • Journalism & Digital Media Production
  • Public Relations 
  • Communications Studies

This form will help connect you with a diverse, highly-talented student population that will provide the necessary skills to meet your business needs. By completing the below form, we can help ensure you get the right intern for your specific position. 

Information captured below—except for specific payment information—will be displayed on a public webpage so students know what internships are available. By submitting this form, you’re agreeing to have this information visible on that webpage.

If you have any questions or need support, please reach out to Internship Coordinator Betsy Heckert: 

Application Form