Brent S. Olive, Ph.D, CIH

Professor of Chemistry and Occupational Health Science
General Chemistry, Occupational Safety and Health, Toxicology, Environmental/Sampling Regulations
Mail Box: UNA Box 5204
Office Room: 469 Science and Engineering Technology Building
Office Telephone: 256.765.4215
Degrees: Ph.D., Environmental Health Sciences, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1999; M.S.P.H Industrial Hygiene, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1996; B.S., Chemistry and Industrial Hygiene, University of North Alabama, 1994
Professional Certifications: Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ABIH)
Classes taught: Introductory Chemistry, CH 101; General Chemistry, CH 111, CH 111L; Environmental Regulations for Teachers CH 665; Occupational Safety and Health IH 301
Recent publications:
- Olive, B.S., “Gas-phase Absorption Cross Sections”, MPI-Mainz UV/VIS Spectral Atlas, The Max-Planck Institute of Chemistry, Mainz, Germany, 2015.
- Benzene, 200-265 nm (0.13 nm resolution)
- Benzene, 200-300 nm (0.13 nm resolution)
- Sulfur Dioxide, 190-306 nm (0.13 nm resolution)
- Toluene, 185-225 nm (0.13 nm resolution)
- Olive, B.S., “Gas-phase Absorption Cross Sections”, MPI-Mainz UV/VIS Spectral Atlas, The Max-Planck Institute of Chemistry, Mainz, Germany, 2011.
- Carbon Disulfide, 205-320 nm (0.080 nm resolution)
- Naphthalene, 200-230 nm (0.080 nm resolution)
- Nitrogen Dioxide, 200-240 nm (0.080 nm resolution)
Recent presentations:
- Olive, B.S.; Gamiles, D.S., “Demonstration of Open Path UV-DOAS as an Alternative Method to Meet Fence-line Monitoring Provisions for Benzene Provided in 40 CFR 63.658”, Podium Presentation, Proceedings, Air & Waste Management Association Air Quality Measurement Methods and Technology Conference, Durham, NC, 2019.
- Crampton, R.; Create Lab – Carnegie Mellon University; Olive, B.S., “Investigation of Temporal and Spatial Correlations Between Citizen Science Odor Reports and Gas Measurements from Open Path UV-DOAS”, Podium Presentation, Proceedings, Air & Waste Management Association Air Quality Measurement Methods and Technology Conference, Durham, NC, 2019.
- Olive, B.S.; Baird, M.W.; Abellard, A.; Gamiles, D.S., “Strategies for Success: Innovative Developments in the Operation of Community Air Monitoring Networks”, Poster Presentation, EPA National Ambient Air Monitoring Conference, Portland, OR, 2018.
- Olive, B.S.; Gamiles, D.S.; Gorman-Chang, S.; Gonzales, D., “An Integrated Stakeholder Approach to Community Air Monitoring”, Poster Presentation, EPA National Ambient Air Monitoring Conference, Portland, OR, 2018.
- Baird, M.W.; Abellard, A.; Gamiles, D.S.; Olive, B.S., “Fence-line Benzene Measurements at an Oil Refinery in the Middle East: Trends in Benzene Concentrations, Instrument Detection Limits, and Data Quality Assurance”, Poster Presentation, EPA National Ambient Air Monitoring Conference, Portland, OR, 2018.
- Olive, B.S., “Designing a Fence Line Monitoring Program to Detect Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) on a Real-Time Basis” Podium Presentation, Abstracts of Papers, EPA National Environmental Monitoring Conference, Chicago, IL, 2015.
- Crampton, R.; Gamiles, D.S.; Olive, B.S., “Using Spectral Averaging and Signal Processing to Leverage Existing Short-term Fence Line UV Spectroscopic Data to Retrieve Accurate, Long-term Gas Concentrations to Meet New Monitoring Goals”, Abstracts of Papers, EPA National Environmental Monitoring Conference, Chicago, IL, 2015.
- Olive, B.S.; Beasley, T., “Gravimetric Evaluation of Helium Diffusive Sampling (HDS) Personal Air Sampling Devices” Invitation for Podium Presentation, Abstracts of Papers, ASTM International – Biannual Air Quality Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 2014.
Professional Memberships: