Lights & Shadows Art Competition

2017 Lights and Shadows

Juried by a guest artist, Lights and Shadows is an annual competition sponsored by the Art Department. Any university students who enrolled in art courses are eligible to participate. The competition can be seen as a mock professional practice in visual art. Students enjoyed the creative freedom in the selection of subject matters and mediums and are encouraged to submit the strongest and most effective work. The winning artworks were published in Lights and Shadows Literary Magazines, a collaborative production of Department of English and Art.

Student: Taylor Bauermeister designed the 2017 Lights and Shadows Art and Literary Magazine.

2017 Lights and Shadows Winners

L and S 2017

2016 Lights and Shadows Winners

L and S 2016

2015 Lights and Shadows Winners

2016 Best of Show
2015 Winner
2015 Best of Show
2014 L&S Winner
2014 Best of Show
2013 Lights and Shadows
2013 Best of Show